Archives: November 2015


Reporting is about the search for the truth. What is the truth? How does it affect the viewers or readers? The toughest truths to uncover are the ones people don’t want you to know. So reporters sometimes have to get through the cover up before they can get to the truth. The newly released movie

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Reasonable Men

The rhetoric is hot when the times call for cooler heads in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris. Men who want to be president like Donald Trump saying we should consider closing mosques. Rand Paul asking people to sign petitions to keep Syrian refugees out of the country. Ted Cruz telling college students it’s “absolute lunacy” to

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Season of Color

The flames of autumn are falling to earth. Our beautiful run of clear, warm weather is slowly coming to an end. The millions of leaves now cover our yards and lawns and need to be blown to the curb. The turning back of the clocks foreshadows the cold darkness of winter. The beauty of nature in the

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Election Day

It should be the most important day of the year. It’s why we fought the Revolutionary War. We wanted the right to govern ourselves. We wanted to call the shots. We wanted to say who would represent us. We wanted the people we voted into office to hear us and listen to us. It’s the foundation

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