Archives: March 2023


The weight can be enormous. It’s New York. It’s the Yankees. It’s the position played by one of the all time greats and Hall of Famer. The Captain. There have been a few players who’ve played the position since Derek Jeter retired in 2014. But not with the promise of Anthony Volpe, a twenty-one year

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Follow the Children

Three years ago sixteen young people from across Montana took the first step down a path that could lead to a safer cleaner world and change our lives and the lives of generations to come. They filed what might be the first serious constitutional climate lawsuit, Held v. The State of Montana. It claims the

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When Words Mattered

“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”-Kennedy Inaugural Address, Jan.20, 1961 ”With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see right, let us strive, on to finish the work we are

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Handful of Hippos

It was a network news story about the late cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar’s collection of exotic animals he had imported to his ranch in Columbia the 1980’s. Among the animals were three female hippos and one male. The government is trying to move them now that the Escobar ranch has been abandoned. Well, the four

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Years of Life

March is a big birthday month in our family. I will turn seventy-two at the end of the week. Two of our granddaughters also have birthdays this month. Cecily turned nine years old last week and Emily will be ten later this month. We are going to have a joint March birthday celebration. As we

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