Archives: August 2016

Asking Questions

“Why do you want to be president?” It sounds like a very basic question of someone who is thinking of running for president. CBS correspondent Roger Mudd asked Senator Ted Kennedy that question on a CBS Reports on November 4, 1979. Kennedy paused, then said,”Well, I…um…” he continued with a long rambling answer that gave

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“He has no decency.” The words of Khizr Khan talking about Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention. Khan is the father of Captain Humayun Khan who was killed in Iraq in 2004. Khan was calling out Trump for his discrimination and ranting against Muslims. He accused Trump of never sacrificing anything for his country,

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The song says “Summertime and the livin’ is easy”. August is the height of summer vacation season. We call it the “Dog Days” because the dog star Sirius rises at the same time as the sun. The ancient Greeks figured it out. August used to be called “Sextilis” because it was originally the sixth month on

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