Archives: August 2023

Wrong House

It keeps happening. This time it was a twenty-year old University of South Carolina student who banged on the wrong door at two-o’clock in the morning. Earlier this year, it was a Missouri teenager going to the wrong house to pick up his younger brothers. In rural New York, a car full of young people

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Stage Fright

There is only one thing you need to know about last night’s Republican candidates’ debate. It doesn’t matter what they tried to sell as their policy positions or their shots at the other candidates. Whether it was Pence saying he was proud he followed the constitution and did his job when he certified Biden’s 2020

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Victory for the Children

This week a judge in Montana, of all places, took a small step for clean, healthier air. It took a bunch of kids, with the help of some adults to make it happen. The case was called Held v. The State of Montana. It was brought by Our Children’s Trust on behalf of a group

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