Archives: April 2019

“Armed Gunmen”

It sounds ridiculous. It’s obviously redundant. I heard it again recently, this time by a network news correspondent. She’s not the only one. It says something about the state of television news writing and editing. It falls in line with our tendency to emphasis to the extreme. It’s not just television news reporters, we all

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Night at the Theater

No one wanted to go to the theater that night. General Ulysses S. Grant said no because his wife couldn’t stand Mrs. Lincoln. They made the excuse that they were going to New Jersey to visit their children. Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, Speaker of the House Schuyler Colfax, and even President Lincoln’s own son

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Family Heart

Later this week will mark 17 years since that phone call woke me at 1am. It was my mother. She said, “I’m at the hospital. Your father died.” It was a shock. He was 74 years old. He had been retired for over 15 years. He rode an exercise bike every morning. Watched his weight

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