Archives: September 2017

Star Spangled Banner

It started during the War of 1812. The United States was at war with Great Britian. Major George Armistead, the commander of Fort McHenry in Baltimore, was preparing for an attack by the British. He ordered two flags from Baltimore flag maker Mary Young Pickersgill. He specified that one flag be made, “so large that

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He was called “the man who saved the world”, and you probably never heard of him. I hadn’t, until I saw a story about his death on the Evening News. This morning, I read his obituary. Stanislav Petrov is someone everyone should know about because without him, the world would be a very different place.

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Customer Service

How much of our lives do we spend on hold? We have the world of information at our fingertips if we want the news, weather, traffic reports, to buy something, pay for a purchase, or see how our friends and family are wasting their time on social media. There is a commercial for e-bay that

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