Countdown for America

by , under journalism blog

It’s one month away. We are anticipating it. We are fearing it. We are hoping the madness will end. It appears it’s going to be close. And we know one candidate is a very sore loser. The presidential election will be one of the most consequential in our lifetime, maybe in our history. It certainly has been one of the most bizarre. An incumbent president stumbles so badly in a debate, he’s forced to withdraw from the race after insisting he wouldn’t. His vice president becomes the Democratic nominee just months before the election. She will be the first female president in our history if elected. And, oh, she’s a woman of color. Her opponent is a convicted felon and faces serious charges in three possible additional cases, and has been the target of two assassination attempts. One that came within an inch of probably killing him. Welcome to American politics 2024.

It’s been eight years since Donald Trump came down the escalator and has held the country hostage ever since. Even getting voted out of office hasn’t stopped him from casting a menacing shadow over the country. He’s has destroyed the Republican Party and turned it into a personality cult. You have to wonder what Republican giants of history Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan would have to say about  what’s happened to the Grand Old Party. We know all the dangerous and crazy things he’s done and said from destroying Roe v. Wade to incoherent ramblings of revenge and changing government to allow him to become the most powerful president in history. This from the guy who got red in the face on the debate stage insisting Haitian migrants were eating dogs in Ohio.

Trump has a core of millions of believers who think he will save the country, and will vote for him even if they don’t really understand what he stands for. He stands for himself and really doesn’t care about anything else. Yet, you’ll see lawn signs as you drive through neighborhoods, some as big as mini-billboards. You have to give Trump credit for being the biggest con man to succeed at the highest level. It’s most telling when we hear what people who worked for Trump have to say about him.

”He will always put his own interest and gratifying his own ego ahead.”

Bill Barr former Attorney General.

“A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution and the rule of law.

John Kelly former Chief of Staff.

”I have a real f___ing problem…I don’t want to speak out of school, but he’s saying some crazy shit.”

Don McGahn- former White House Counsel

“American Hitler”. “Moral disaster”. “Reprehensible”. “Just another opioid” for Middle America.

JD Vance in 2017

Wether you are a strong supporter of Kamala Harris, or you are still not sure about her, there is no choice. Would it have been better for Biden to have told us two years ago he wasn’t going to run again, and we would have had more choices on deciding on a Democratic candidate, yes. But we have to deal with reality. I know Harris will be a competent, rational leader. She may not be perfect, but we know exactly what to expect if we let Trump back in the White House. We are in the final days in the countdown for America to decide what kind of country we want to be.


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