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Pandemic Birthday

As we all get ready for a new week, all the medical experts tell us the spread of the coronavirus will only get worse. We still have to figure out how to test people. Then we’ll  how know many more people have the virus. So those who have symptoms or been exposed and get a

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Shake On It

As concerns about the coronavirus grow more alarming each day, we are encouraged to back off each other. Guard your personal space. Touching is off limits. We are reminded about how to wash our hands, sneeze and cough. Stay home. All this comes at a time when the country is more divided and than ever.

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Then There Were Two

Super Tuesday was a trip back to the future. Everyone thought Bernie Sanders would would be the overwhelming favorite this morning for the Democratic nomination with a commanding lead in delegates after yesterday. Then people voted and showed they weren’t ready for a revolution. The theory that moderate Democrats had to unite around one candidate

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Nervous Breakdown

A street fight broke out at the Democratic debate last night. There was the smell of desperation which lead to chaos. Seven adults yelling, talking over each other, raising their hands as we used to in elementary school to get the teacher to call on us because we knew we had the right answer. They

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Killing the Birds

This is the time we look back on the past year and talk about all the good and bad, losses and gains, hopes and dreams. Most of us were probably not aware of two things that happened in 2019. We have all heard about climate change and preserving our natural environment from the real scientists,

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Saying Nothing

Enough! I can’t take it anymore. Watching sports on television has become almost impossible. The games are consumed by over analysis, opinion, insight, and obvious explanation, that has developed into white noise. Now I understand why they torture prisoners by playing round the clock loud music to make them give up information. They are driven

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Eternal City

We entered Rome from the west. It was not very impressive. The buildings looked like they were built in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. It was what I would call grungy, and graffiti was everywhere. Things changed dramatically when we got to the center of Rome behind the what used to be the old wall

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Road of Life

The goal of all writers is to get people to read what you write. When you self publish, there are no agents, or publishers helping you get your book out there. It’s all up to you. That means tell every family member and friend, try not to be obnoxious about it, that you’ve written a

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Drive By

At first, I was surprised. Then, I was angry. I was kneeling on a grassy patch by the curb  on the corner of our house at the Jersey shore. It was a couple of days after 9/11. Local school kids had planted small American flags in the ground on just about every corner to commemorate

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September Sky

The beginning of September used to mean the last holiday weekend of summer, back to school, the beginning of fall, and the kickoff off the football season. It’s still means all those things, but there is also the shadow of the day that changed everything. That bright, blue sky Tuesday morning was shattered by the

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