Leadership Lost

by , under journalism blog

I get more embarrassed when Donald Trump leaves the country, and the rest of the world can see him close up. It’s cringeworthy to see him on the world stage. You can’t help but wonder what other world leaders are thinking when they have to meet with him, and then pose for the photo opp. The past two days the western world commemorated the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. The pictures and stories of the 90 year old men who saved the world by charging through withering gunfire, icy waves, and the blood of fellow soldiers when they were so young can bring tears to all of us. It’s at these emotional and historic events when Trump is at his worst, and that’s saying something.

He started by calling Meghan Markle “nasty” when he was told she said during the campaign that she would move to Canada if he was elected. He then denied he said it even though it was on tape. Most people in his position would find a more adult way of addressing someone who disagreed with them. He then ripped the mayor of London Sadiq Khan, who just happens to be a Muslim. Trump called him a “stone cold loser” who has done a terrible job of running the city. This because Khan has disagreed with him on immigration. Of course, Khan is the kind of person Trump wants to keep out of the United States. All this, as he is about to meet the queen.

Trump sat for an interview with British journalist Piers Morgan, who won Celebrity Apprentice. That tells you a lot about the type of journalist he is. But, Morgan did ask a question that exposed the man who is our commander in chief. In the middle of the celebration of the greatest military victory in history, Morgan asked Trump if he ever regretted not serving and fighting in the war in Vietnam. Trump got multiple deferments because of bone spurs in his foot. Trump’s answer, “I wasn’t in favor of that war, and it was far away.” There were many men who weren’t in favor of that war, but had to go, and over 50 thousand didn’t come back.

Trump is at his most embarrassing when he has to address a crowd and say something meaningful. He is used to whipping up supporters at rallies that are filled with insults and lies. There he is at his best. He sounded like a 6th grade school boy reciting an essay when he read the prayer that President Roosevelt read to the nation on the radio on June 6, 1944. There was no emotion and he didn’t even have the proper cadence or emphasis. Roosevelt soothed the nation as he inspired it. “Almighty God, Our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon on a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, our civilization, and set free a suffering humanity. Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, and steadfastness in their faith.” There’s more, but can you think of anyone worse than Donald Trump trying to give these words meaning?

Columnist Roger Cohen captured the true Trump in his opinion piece in today’s New York Times. “To have Donald Trump-the bone spur evader of the Vietnam draft, the coddler of autocrats, the would-be destroyer of the European Union, the pay-up-now denigrator of NATO, the apologist for the white supremacists of Charlottesville-commemorate the boys from Kansas City and St. Paul who gave their lives for freedom is to understand the word imposter. You can’t make a sculpture from rotten wood.”

Countries and armies follow leaders into war. Up until two and half years ago, those leaders lived here. That leadership is lost. We may need more than a prayer to get it back.

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