Lessons Not Learned

by , under journalism blog

The new year may bring us one of the most dangerous years in history. The racist and anti-Semitic language of two of the people who want to be the next president should snap us to attention. Donald Trump has done little to hide his racist beliefs. I could recite a long list. But his most recent remarks are so shocking and ignorant it shows us the depths to which our political discourse has descended. In a recent speech, Trump took aim again at immigrants and why we should keep them out. He said, “They are poisoning the blood of our country.” That should make us stop in our tracks. He did get some criticism, but his devoted followers continue to cheer him. He than got the chance to explain himself.

In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Trump said “I never knew Hitler said it.” He went on to say he never read Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” where Hitler lays out his twisted theory of the superior Aryan race and calls for the elimination of Jews. He went on to say, “I know nothing about Hitler. I have no idea what Hitler said other than what I’ve seen on the news. And that’s very, entirely different thing than what I’m saying.” I guess there have not been enough stories about Hitler on the news lately so Trump could be better informed. Trump doesn’t understand how ignorant he is and millions of supporters cheer his every word. Does that remind you of anyone?

Polls show Trump leads the Republican race for the presidential nomination by a mile. Some Republicans who are afraid to speak out against Trump are trying to push for Nikki Haley as a long shot to overtake Trump by a strong showing in the Iowa Caucuses   and the New Hampshire Primary coming up in January and February. We should be careful what they wish for. In a recent town hall meeting, Haley was asked, “What was a the cause of the Civil War?” The obvious answer that any high school student would give is slavery. Here’s what Haley said, “I mean, I think it always comes down to the role of government and what the rights of the people are”. She continued, that government should not tell people how to live their lives or “what you can and can’t do.” She just dug deeper. “I always stand by the fact that I think government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. It was never meant to be all things to all people.” She cut off the discussion with, “What do want me to say about slavery? Next question.” How about the cause of the Civil War was slavery and the federal government was trying to secure the rights and freedom of enslaved people which you say you always stand for. And let’s forget Haley was Trump’s UN Ambassador.

We all have to decide what kind of people we want to lead us. I don’t want to be in the same room with these two people. They spew this hate and then try to say they really didn’t mean it. They said it and they meant it. Lessons of history not learned puts our future in peril.


  1. Debbie Occhiogrosso

    So nice spending time with you and Maureen at the party last weekend. I so appreciate you’re writing about all of this. Francis and I were just discussing this alarming situation again yesterday. If you had asked me 10 years ago that a person who makes these statements could run for president it would have been unimaginable. I don’t know which one of the two you mentioned is worse. Since you wrote this Trump has continued to double down on his outrageous proclamations. We can only hope that enough voters show up at the polls to turn this tide around.
